About the Project

*I want to preface my blog with the message that I believe women can and should do anything they want in their lives. I believe in equality, whether that be in the workforce, or in the home. Most of my mommy friends have amazing careers, and are also amazing mothers. I also believe that if women can do anything they want, that should include wanting to be a housewife and a stay-at-home mom. I use the term "domestication" somewhat tongue-in-cheek. What you need to know about me is that while I want to be a great cook and homemaker, my marriage and family has survived 7 years so far, and I am doing this project for me and for my own goals*

This is a blog about an un-domesticated housewife and her quest to somehow learn to include cleaning and cooking in some of her everyday activities!

My name is Erie, and I am a mother of 2. I work out of the home about once a week, but otherwise my days revolve around playdates, playdoh, and crayons. It's not that I can't cook or clean, it's just that I don't.

But this is a new year (2012), and I moved into a new house just a few months ago, and I really want to keep a tidy home, and cook amazing meals for my family and friends!

So please follow along in my quest! Feel free to leave comments and helpful tips if you have any!

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