Monday, January 16, 2012

It's Not an EPIC Fail...

So Hubs is gone, and my whole world has been topsy-turvy. So my junk drawer is still junky, the linen closet has been left untouched (except to add more to it. I did get laundry done.) and the front closet still scares me. ;) I will start my 21-day project in a few days, but for now we're in survival-mode *lol*

(though I will say that not only have I done laundry, but dishes as well, and I even got the floor swept!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

21 - Day Challenge

Thanks to a friend who shared this link with me on my other blog, I have decided to start a 21-Day Challenge! I'm going to change it a little bit (we don't have a computer desk, and our tupperware storage was just organized), but I think it's the PERFECT project to start my blog off with! And during those 21 days, I will start coming up with new plans and new challenges for after :)

Here is the original list:
  • Join the Challenge (at any time)
  • Day 1 - Junk Drawer
  • Day 2 - Computer Desk
  • Day 3 - Tupperware Cabinet
  • Day 4 - Linen Closet
  • Day 5 - Under kitchen sink
  • Day 6 - Dresser Drawers
  • Day 7 - The Pantry
  • Day 8 - Coat Closet
  • Day 9 - Toy organization
  • Day 10 - Laundry Room
  • Day 11 - The Freezer
  • Day 12 - Spice Cabinet
  • Day 13 - Medicine Cabinet
  • Day 14 - Under bathroom sink
  • Day 15 - Medicine/Vitamin Storage
  • Day 16 - The Fridge
  • Day 17 - The Mail
  • Day 18 - Keepsakes
  • Day 19 - Master Closet
  • Day 20 - Photos
  • Day 21 - You pick!

And my list:
  • Day 1 - Junk Drawer
  • Day 2 - Linen Closet
  • Day 3 - Front Closet
  • Day 4 - Back Closet (by garage)
  • Day 5 - Under kitchen sink
  • Day 6 - Dresser Drawers
  • Day 7 - Home Binders
  • Day 8 - Erie's Work Stuff
  • Day 9 - Toy organization
  • Day 10 - Laundry Room
  • Day 11 - The Freezers
  • Day 12 - Master Bathroom Vanity
  • Day 13 - Master Bathroom Medicine Cabinet
  • Day 14 - Kids Bathroom
  • Day 15 - Sideboard
  • Day 16 - The Fridges
  • Day 17 - The Mail
  • Day 18 - Keepsakes
  • Day 19 - Master Closet
  • Day 20 - Photos
  • Day 21 - You pick! (Still Deciding on This One!)
 Kids are a little crazy today (no one slept well last night, but for no good reason), so I might wait and start the challenge tomorrow, but we'll see. At the very least, I have my list!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Plan

So what does this Domestication mean? While I have visions of clean counters, a clutter-free livingroom, pearls, crinolines, and aprons (I was born in the wrong decade I should have existed in the 50's... With maids and cooks, that is), it's not entirely practical, especially for the purposes of this blog.
So let's start with some actual plans, and then set some goals!

First off, in cooking:
  1. I want to eat out no more than once a week, which means that I want to make every meal at-home otherwise.
  2. I want to cook fancy things sometimes. I want to try out new recipes that I see in magazines (I actually have a collection of fun cookbooks! I do!) and I want to have the time and energy to try them out.
  3. Meal Plan!! It's a wagon we keep falling off of. We used to monthly meal plan, because we make good use of Cheap Tuesday at our local grocery store. We can get back to it, but it means that the last weekend of the month, we need to plan our meals. We usually plan at least 5 of the 7 meals in a week, leaving days for leftovers (usually when my daughter has dance or we're not eating together for whatever reason), and days for switching things up as desired.
  4. Make use of farmer's markets/co-ops/etc for fresh, local, produce in-season.
  5. Keep "Special Supper Sunday" - my husband LOVES to cook, and "Special Supper Sunday" is his chance to try out new and exciting recipes. 
And then in housekeeping:
  1. Put everything back where it belongs. Always.
  2. Redo my chore chart for the new house. Our old one is for the old house, and we now have more rooms, and different needs (hardwood floors, garage, extra fridge, etc.)
  3. Decorate! We've unpacked *most* things, and for the most part everything is decorated and organized, but I'd love to go room to room and FINISH things. The kitchen needs paint touched up, my daughter's room needs pictures hung, etc.